Kikked! : “Punk In Africa” interview, Aug 2010

Kikked! magazine interviews Keith Jones (Producer) and Deon Maas (Co-Producer) about the upcoming “Punk in Africa” feature length documentary, to be co-produced by Meerkat Media (Johannesburg, South Africa) and Bohemian Lion Productions and Peligroso Productions (Prague, Czech Republic).

The project is currently in the research and development stage. The producers have begun to make contacts, conduct research regarding the four countries (South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia and Kenya) to assemble archival and audio materials and have already conducted numerous interviews with notable figures representing all different eras of the development of punk rock and related sub-cultures in Southern Africa.

The interview is also available in full on the Kikked! 6 (Aug 2010) DVD. For more information, see :

Punk In Africa :

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